The Lonely Run

Last night I went for a run – not an unusual activity for me, but I went late and I went alone.  I was predisposed earlier and missed the normal 7 pm run from LRU, so I trudged out about 9:15 alone…and my battery on my ipod was dead so I was REALLY alone.  But I wasn’t….a front was coming in, the air was getting cooler, a moderate breeze pushed me along,  lightning flashed in the distance…a few raindrops fell. 

My run last night, while lonely, was filled with the wonder of nature and it was welcome.  It was good to be out at this hour and it was good to enjoy the solitude.  A modern man doesn’t need much these days:  a beautiful lady to kiss, a loyal dog to pet and some moments alone….to enjoy nature and to reflect on the day.  Of course, a modern man needs first and foremost a relationship with his Creator.  Put all these together and peace reigns.

So last night’s run was peaceful and it was fast – I have no witnesses to doubt my speed, so I am claiming a fast run.  And in my mind I was Shorter, I was Salazar, I was Rodgers, I was Meb, I was Hall…..I was Wesley Korir and I was running the Boston Marathon and I was winning.    Yes, it was all fantasy but it was quite glorious. 

So give a man a relationship with his Creator, give him a beautiful lady to kiss, give him a dog to hang with, give him some time alone in nature….and give him a dream.   And with these few significant things he is good to go – and go fast.   You, my reader must understand that my running “fast” only exists in my mind.  I run long, I run often, I run consistently…but Terry don’t run fast.  But Terry does relate to this quote from Eric Liddell:

“I believe God made me for a purpose, but he also made me fast. And when I run I feel His pleasure”

I felt God’s pleasure last night.


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